
First and Second Timothy and Titus is unavailable, but you can change that!

Thomas C. Oden provides a modern commentary on the pastoral letters grounded in the classical, consensual tradition of interpretation. He depends on the writers Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Augustine, Jerome, Luther, Calvin, Henry, and Wesley. His underlying conviction is that these classical Christian exegetes are better interpreters of the pastorals, not simply because they were earlier but...

“Pastoral letters” do not mean “to be ignored by laity.” They address questions crucial to the health of the laity—the life of prayer, the meaning of public worship, care for the needy and poor, and sound teaching as the basis for holy living. They offer a candid glimpse of Christian worship in its formative period—the community is singing hymns, baptizing, and teaching by concise creedal summaries. They struggle with emerging distortions of Christian teaching that remain problems even
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